Reported estimated dollar value of QVMAG collections: $230-40 Million
 Cost per attendee: approx. $44.00 per person per attendance
 Reported attendees: approx. 144,500
  •  Averages approx. 400 per day 
  • Averages 66 per hour 
 Employees: Total number approx. 78. Effective Fulltime 46
 Social Media: FACEbook 'Likes' approx. 5,000
  •  Average approx. 13 per day 
 Ratepayer Levy/Contribution: approx. $135 per rateable property
 Increase in attendances for 2016-17: approx. 30 people per day on average
 Given the reported shop turnover of $330,000: on average approx. $900 per day was taken in shop sales thus approximately $2.25 per attendee ..$2.18 a visitor in 2015

1 comment:

  1. Has anybody considered that the attendance shown here is just about 1.4 visits for every person in Launceston demographic. I have no idea if that's good or bad but who is looking and are they making any judgement about it? You would hope so but it looks like it might not be something that the good burgers of Launceston are thinking about.

    The next question is what do they think about when they read reports? It has been said that some do not read reports or even agenda notes so asking them to read and think about this is probably asking a lot.
